
Beverly Hills Migraine and Pain Management Institute
Chronic Pain Physician and Headache Specialist located in Beverly Hills, CA & Woodland Hills, CA
Neuropathy is a widespread pain condition caused by nerve damage. If you’re one of the 20 million Americans who live with neuropathy, contact Benjamin Taimoorazy, MD, at Beverly Hills Migraine and Pain Management Institute in Beverly Hills and Encino, California. Dr. Taimoorazy has the expertise to diagnose your condition and provide customized treatment plans to relieve your pain and heal your body. Call the practice or make an appointment online today for personalized neuropathy care.
What is neuropathy?
Neuropathy is a painful and disruptive condition that occurs as a result of nerve damage. Dr. Taimoorazy treats several types of the disorder, including peripheral neuropathy, postherpetic neuralgia, and trigeminal/occipital/glossopharyngeal neuralgia.
When your nerves are damaged or compressed, they send abnormal signals to your brain, causing disruptive symptoms such as:
- Sharp, burning, or electric-like pain
- Tingling sensations
- Numbness
- Extreme sensitivity to touch
- Loss of sensation
- Loss of balance or coordination
- Muscle twitching or spasm
- Muscle weakness
- Paralysis
Depending on the type of nerve affected, you might also develop low blood pressure, an abnormal heart rate, digestive problems, incontinence, or abnormal sweating.
If you notice any signs of neuropathy, make an appointment with Dr. Taimoorazy immediately.
What causes neuropathy?
Several factors can lead to neuropathy. Diabetes is one of the most common causes of nerve damage. Continuously elevated blood sugar levels cause damage throughout your body, including your nerves.
Other potential causes of neuropathy include:
- Traumatic injuries
- Autoimmune disorders
- Infections
- Tumors
- Hypothyroidism
- Kidney disease
- Liver disease
- Vascular health problems
- Vitamin deficiency
Lifestyle factors such as tobacco use and alcohol abuse can also increase your risk of neuropathy.
How do you diagnose neuropathy?
After reviewing your symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle, Dr. Taimoorazy performs a physical exam, including basic neurological health tests.
Depending on your needs, Dr. Taimoorazy might order additional testing, including blood tests, electromyography, and nerve conduction studies. CT scans, MRIs, and ultrasounds can also provide valuable information about your condition.
How is neuropathy treated?
Dr. Taimoorazy creates multidisciplinary treatment programs to address neuropathy from several angles. He aims to relieve your pain, restore your quality of life, and reduce your reliance on oral medicine.
Your treatment program could include:
- Regenerative medicine
- Nerve blocks
- Pain-relieving injections
- Physical therapy
- Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
- Spinal cord stimulation
- Intravenous (IV) infusion of ketamine
You might also benefit from adjusting your diet to include nutritious choices. Daily exercise can help maintain your strength and flexibility and reduce your risk of falling.
Dr. Taimoorazy might also recommend working with your primary care provider to treat medical conditions at the root of your neuropathy.
Call Beverly Hills Migraine and Pain Management Institute or make an appointment online today if you’re concerned about neuropathy.