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What to Do About Chronic Back Pain

man holding back which is red with pain

Back pain is one of the most common ailments. Cleveland Clinic estimates that nearly 80% of adults experience back pain at some point in their lives. Sometimes back pain is short-lived, but what happens when pain lingers?

Because Dr. Benjamin Taimoorazy and the staff at Beverly Hills Migraine and Pain Management Institute understand how profoundly chronic back pain can impact your life, we’re committed to targeting it at the source — instead of just masking your symptoms.

If you’re struggling with chronic back pain, we encourage you to call us and experience our multidisciplinary approach to treatment. In the meantime, here are some options for finding relief.

Finding relief at home

Chronic pain is pain that lasts longer than 12 weeks, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). The NINDS also reports that many people with acute back pain later develop chronic pain. This type of pain affects people of all ages and can contribute to missed days at work or school. 

There are many ways to support your back at home, including:

Sometimes, however, at-home treatments aren’t enough to combat chronic pain. Before you find the right treatment, the first step is to seek medical intervention and pinpoint the cause of your pain.

Starting with the proper diagnosis

Chronic back pain can develop as a result of many different conditions. Sciatica and arthritis are two very common causes of back pain, but they aren’t the only ones. Injuries, strains, sprains, spinal stenosis, herniated discs, scoliosis, facet joint syndrome, and spinal compression fractures are all possible causes of long-lasting back pain.  

When you come to Beverly Hills Migraine and Pain Management Institute for back pain relief, Dr. Taimoorazy’s first step is to isolate the cause of your back pain. After a review of your symptoms and health history, a physical exam, and any necessary diagnostic testing, Dr. Taimoorazy creates a treatment plan based on your diagnosis.

How multidisciplinary treatment plan tackles pain

We treat chronic back pain with a multidisciplinary approach. According to a 2017 report, multidisciplinary treatments for chronic pain include treatments from multiple categories, such as patient education, relaxation techniques, medical treatment, etc. Here’s a sample of potential treatments for your chronic back pain:


Injections provide pain relief by delivering medications directly to the source of the pain. For example, a lumbar epidural steroid injection delivers corticosteroids and local anesthetics directly into the epidural space in your spine. Depending on the cause of your pain, you may benefit from other injections, such as cervical epidural steroid injections, caudal epidural steroid injections, or sacroiliac joint steroid injections.

Physical therapy

The goal of physical therapy is to teach you the stretches and exercises to keep your back healthy, strong, and flexible. Physical therapy exercises improve your range of motion, strengthen the muscles in your back, and promote flexibility. What you learn in physical therapy can be performed at home, giving you tools for a healthy back for years to come.

Nerve blocks

If your pain stems from a compressed nerve, you might benefit from a nerve block. Nerve blocks “block” the ability of your nerve to send pain signals to your brain.

Innovative options for chronic pain

As a multidisciplinary team, we may also suggest ketamine infusions, radiofrequency ablation, spinal cord stimulation, or regenerative medicine options. 

Regardless of what’s causing your back pain — whether it’s the effects of injury, pain related to cancer, or the result of failed back surgery — we are on a mission to help you find relief, improve your mobility, boost your quality of life, and if possible, reduce your reliance on medication.

To learn more about your options, call 424-302-0289 to book an appointment at either our Beverly Hills or Encino, California office. You can also request an appointment easily online.

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